How India Is Cracking Down On Plagiarism In The Country
May 26, 2021
Methods Implemented by India to Crack Down Plagiarism
When we talk about content writing, plagiarism cannot be avoided. It automatically comes into our mind because this is the main thing from which we want to prevent. India is full of famous Writers, authors, and has a rich literature and culture. However, it is going little down now. Why? Have you ever thought of its reason? Why software like Anti Plagiarism Software India got invented? The answer is availability of internet. You might have got confused. Well, this is true.
The easy access of internet provides us lot of information that was earlier a difficult task for all us. There is no doubt, that it is helping everyone in solving lots of problems and getting answers to any of the problems. But, the fact can’t be denied that it has a big role in increasing the plagiarized content. When every information is easily available on the internet, students and other professionals don’t prefer to work hard. They collect the information from different source and combine it to present their assignment, projects or articles. They don’t even think to use Plagiarism Detection software and submit the plagiarized content to their professors or authorities.
Currently, the plagiarism is getting noticed everywhere, but in higher education it is quite high in percentage. College and school students are using other’s work to present it to their professors to gain good marks. Students think that the teachers won’t use Plagiarism checker India and they will not be caught, but they are wrong. Now, many of the Universities and Institutes are using Plagiarism Checker Software to detect the duplicate content. They are taking plagiarism serious and expelling students if they find someone submitting duplicate work.
Now, people are more aware of plagiarism tool and check the work before submitting it. India is also taking serious steps to crack down the issue of plagiarism. Let’s have a look at steps taken by India:
1. Use of Plagiarism checker software
Use of plagiarism checker software is the best way to identify duplicate work. It can tell you how unique is the content. Now, you can find many plagiarism checker software available online. Some of them are available in different languages such as Check For Plag. This tool is fast working and detects plagiarism within few seconds.
2. Strict Review System
Universities and colleges are following a pattern of reviewing the submitting work. This is getting done by subject experts who can proofread the work fast and comfortably. They are using latest online tools to do the same.
Also, putting the copyright over original and unique content has proved to be the best way to prevent from plagiarism. Using disclaimers over the content and some legal procedures are preventing the use of plagiarized work.
3. Scanning of references
Faculty members look for the originality when someone submits their research paper. It is done to check the knowledge of a student that how deeply he has researched, what all knowledge he has, what all experiences he has taken while thesis, etc. The more unique thesis is, the better is the impression on faculty and readers. However, to complete the same within a short time, students indulge in plagiarism.
The Colleges and Universities check their submitted thesis through Best Anti Plagiarism Software. It also includes manual proofreading as well as scanning it through plagiarism tool. They check everything from paragraph to sentences, lines to words, everything. They check if quotations marks are used while representing other’s work in form of example or to explain something.