Plagiarism in Publishing
November 02, 2017
Scientific publishing is the crucial product of scientist work. Number of publications and their quoting are measures of scientist success while unpublished researches are invisible to the scientific community, and as such nonexistent.
Although the truth should be the aim of scientific research, it is not guiding fact for all scientists. The best way to reach the truth in its study and to avoid the methodological and ethical mistakes is to consistently apply scientific methods like CFP CheckForPlag and ethical standards in research.
Publications are the end-products of the scientific work, and their quantity and citability are keys to the promotion of scientists. Once published, a scholarly paper becomes a source for references, postpublication review and critique. To contribute to the bulk of knowledge of evidence-based medicine, the paper should be credible. It should be based on optimal research design and reporting.
TResearchers and authors of scholarly papers have to follow ethical codes of Good Scientific Practice (GSP), primarily based of the principles of honesty and integrity. In the modern-day collaborative and multidisciplinary research, honesty of each and every author is becoming a pillar of trustworthy science.
By claiming authorship of scholarly works, researchers get promotion and numerous other academic benefits. However, they also become responsible for what they publish and influence future publications, and science and education at large.
Authors should:
- Always follow rules of properly citing references, acknowledging ideas taken at conferences and formal/informal discussions.
- References must contain full bibliographic information.
- Each source cited in the text must be listed in the bibliography.
- Quotation marks should be used if more than 6 consecutive words are copied.
- Obtain permission from other authors/publishers to reproduce copyright-protected graphics or text.
- It should be also noted that plagiarism can be detected electronically by CFP.