Plagiarism problem in Students
April 14, 2018
These days the students are also getting affected from plagiarism. Students have to finish their assignments, research work, thesis, project, and for finishing these types of assigned task they surf on internet to get the required information to finish the assignments. Students unintentionally do plagiarism to finish their assigned task and as per Research the practice of plagiarism is very common in students and rapidly increasing .But students never consider it as an unethical practice and follow the same always and don’t even bother to use their innovative brains and ideas to generate the result.
Many education institutes follow the different policies to stop plagiarism among students and punish the students for this type of unethical practice.
Even the teacher are unable to find that the students is choosing plagiarism instead of their own brain for assignments. Even the students who are using these types of the unethical practice and get good score.
But they even don’t know about the cons. of plagiarism. By following these types of unethical practice students are spoiling their career.
Teachers must create awareness among the students about the cons of plagiarism. Teachers also use the plagiarism checker tool to check the originality of the contents of assignments. Using our checkforplag software students can check the assignments before submitting to teacher to maintain the originality.
Teachers can also use this software to check the originality of contents of the assignments to give grades to deserving students.
students must have realization about that plagiarism is a severe type of crime and need to understand that they have the ability to think out of box and generate innovative idea for writing the assignments and avoid the plagiarism.