November 28, 2022

What do you know about plagiarism? Have you ever been queried for plagiarism? Isn’t it shocking how the word ‘plagiarism' can be so alarming for any scholar, author, student or anybody?

So many things may appear in your mind right now. You may be gaping at how the technology, which unlocked the gate of the knowledge hub, has also bounded every person with very avant-garde plagiarism-checking software. Nowadays, updated Hindi plagiarism software is also designed to check every writing minutely.

Understand the seriousness of plagiarism

For a college student, the biggest offence apart from breaking the university’s rules can be plagiarism.

You may have to write an essay on some random topic, but how do you find all the information? From the Internet, right? In such cases, you're not quite aware of what it is.

Whenever you add some report, explanation, story, or any writing that has been published earlier, the Hindi plagiarism checker can recognize the copied lines. You must be aware of such setbacks and save yourself from getting lower grades. Only when you give proper references to the real source in your essay, the writing will be plagiarism free. This small notch of accountability can save you from the stigma.

The serious consequences of plagiarism in Essay

Plagiarism may not put you in jail, but it cannot be comforting for anyone’s reputation. When you are a university student or about to publish your work, you must be very careful about plagiarism. There are many plagiarism detection softwares available in Hindi and other languages. One of them is CheckForPlag.

When you trace someone’s idea, article, or explanation without mentioning or giving a reference, you may land in trouble:

  • Lower grades
  • Cancellation of the entire writing
  • Failing
can be the consequences for a student if caught in this act. On the other hand, copyright laws can be imposed by the rightful writer of the source.

Now, do you see how serious plagiarism can get?